Aftercare Instructions
After a skin cancer removal procedure, proper aftercare is crucial for healing and preventing complications. Detailed aftercare which is specific to your treatment will be provided to you after your appointment.
The following are general guidelines which can assist you with preparing for your recovery.
Wound Care
Keep the treated area clean and dry and leave the applied dressing intact at all times as instructed by your doctor or nurse. In some cases an aftercare ointment or cream may be provided for certain procedures such as PDT. Specific wound care instructions will be provided to you and our nursing and medical team are readily available to assist in the recovery process.
Pain Management
Mild discomfort is normal after skin cancer and skin lesion surgery. In most cases, simple over the counter analgesia such as paracetamol or ibuprofen is all that is required. If you are experiencing an increase in pain after the first 48 hours, please contact usfor advice.
Bleeding or Bruising
Excisions on the head, neck, and lower legs may have a tendency to bleed or swell more than other areas. Wide local excisions for treatment of melanoma /severely dysplastic naevi also have an increased tendency to bleed and require extra care. Swelling can also occur particularly around the eyes, forehead and temples, and for wounds on lower limbs or digits. Please elevate the area if swelling occurs. If bleeding occurs, please apply firm pressure with a clean towel/gauze and a cold pack for 15 minutes. If bleeding persists - please contact us for advice.
Sun Exposure
Ensure you protect the treated area from the sun at all times in your recovery. In the initial healing stage please keep the area covered at all times. Regular use of a broad spectrum SPF is needed once the wound is healed and sutures have been removed.
Physical Activity
Limit physical activity for at least a few days to weeks following the procedure to prevent strain on the surgical site. Avoid strenuous exercise, heavy lifting, or any movements that could stretch or damage the wound - this can lead to wound dehiscence, delayed healing or scarring. Specific activity restrictions will be discussed with you by your treating doctor.
Monitor for Signs of Infection
Be mindful of redness, increased swelling, pus/discharge, or persistent pain, as these could be signs of infection. If you notice any of these symptoms, please contact the clinic immediately.
Please refer to the results page for details about follow up appointments and obtaining your results. Wound review appointments and removal of sutures if required will be scheduled at your procedure appointment.