Cosmetic Mole Removal

At Shade Skin Cancer Medicine we understand the importance of both aesthetics and health when it comes to skin lesions. In addition to our skin cancer services we also help our patients with the removal of moles and skin lesions for cosmetic purposes.

Not every mole or skin lesion is cancerous or precancerous, our highly skilled team of Doctors can also remove skin lesions which may also be of cosmetic concern. Our team consists of experienced GP skin cancer specialists who are highly skilled in mole assessment and removal procedures, resulting in minimal scarring.

In addition to being a cosmetic concern, some moles can be irritating, cause itchiness, rub against clothing, and bleed, especially those on the face.

Numerous moles and skin lesions can be treated with cosmetic mole removal, these include:

●      Raised non pigmented moles

●      Pigmented moles (non cancerous)

●      Seborrheic keratoses (often referred to as senile keratoses)

●      Raised birthmarks

●      Skin tags

●      Milia and sebaceous hyperplasia

●      Syringomas

As Shade Skin Cancer Medicine, all moles and skin lesions will be thoroughly examined in your consultation to ensure they are not precancerous or cancerous. In some cases a skin biopsy or full surgical excision may be required if your doctor is concerned. During the consultation your doctor will ensure a thorough treatment plan is tailored to your unique skin type and type of mole or skin lesion. We will ensure that the technique and technology used will optimise recovery, scarring and overall results.