Shade Skin Cancer Medicine is a privately billing practice with all fees are to be paid on the day of consultation or treatment.
Please note that we accept:
Credit Cards
De bit Cards
Medicare: Medicare rebates apply for valid Medicare card holders.
Surcharge: credit card (all credit card and EFTPOS transactions will incur a 1% surcharge. Pricing may be subject to change.
Individual Services Price List
As of 10/3/2025 a price increase will take effect for Dr Emily’s consult appointments.
All full skin check appointments are now $209 and a spot review/spot check is $119.
For a limited time - full skin check appointments with Dr Tricia and Dr Chris will be $179 (usual fee $199).
This offer cannot be used in conjunction with any other offers, applies to full skin checks only. Offer does not apply for Saturday appointments.
Our “out of pocket” or “gap” fees are approximately $99-130 for a full body skin check of 20 mins.
The total fee may vary between $159-$209 before the Medicare rebate applies. The “gap” fee above is the total cost after the Medicare rebate has been applied.
This appointment type is intended to be done annually, however some patients may need more frequent skin examinations. This will be discussed by your doctor at your visit if necessary.
Our “gap” fees are approximately $60-80 for a spot check or review appointment.
The total fee will be $109-$119 before the Medicare rebate applies. The “gap” fee above is the total cost after the Medicare rebate has been applied.
This appointment type is intended to review 1-2 new or changing skin lesions, or as follow up for interval photography/monitoring of a skin lesion.
This appointment type is not a full body skin check.
All simple (punch or shave) biopsies if performed at the same time as a skin check will be included in the cost of the appointment. Excisional biopsies are done on a separate procedural list - please see Skin Lesion Removal for pricing.
If performed at a separate appointment - biopsies will incur an additional consult fee (please refer to “Spot Check/Review”).
Gap fees (i.e. after the Medicare rebate is applied) for skin lesion removals range from approximately $299-399 depending on the skin lesion location, size and procedure complexity. Please note the gap fee portion is not claimable from Medicare.
Your doctor will be able to give you a detailed estimate at your consultation.
The current gap fee (i.e. the amount payable after the Medicare rebate is applied) is:
$299 for simple excisions - excision sites on arms, trunk, upper legs (excluding wide local excisions).
$399 for complex excisions - all other sites (i.e. head, neck, lower legs, hands, digits, any excision requiring complex closure such as a flap, skin graft or a wide local excision).
These fees include all consumables, post-procedural aftercare, a post-procedural aftercare pack to take home, nursing care and removal of sutures.
All curettage procedures incur a gap fee of $99 (i.e. after the Medicare rebate is applied)
Cosmetic mole or lesion removal procedures are not covered by Medicare.
Fees are approximately $99 for simple cryotherapy or diathermy for 1-3 lesions with a consult fee applicable as above.
If more than 3 lesions are treated at the same appointment, fees are at the discretion of the treating doctor.
For other lesion removal options, fees are $350 per lesion on the face, $250 per lesion on the body and $150 for each subsequent lesion in the same session. A consult fee is applicable as above.
Cryotherapy (freezing) of actinic keratoses if performed at the same time as a skin check appointment will be included in the cost of the appointment.
Freezing of non-cancerous lesions incurs a gap fee as a Medicare rebate does not apply (please refer to Cosmetic Mole Removal).
Our “gap” fees are capped at $60-80 for a results review appointment if requiring an external referral, an extensive discussion of treatment options, or prescription of topical treatment options.
The total fee will be $109 before the Medicare rebate applies. The “gap” fee above is the total cost after the Medicare rebate has been applied.
Results appointments where results are internally referred for a procedure/require a brief discussion will not incur an out-of pocket fee.
Wound review appointments post treatment also do not incur an out-of-pocket fee.
Saturday or out of hours appointments will incur an additional surcharge of $25.
Our independent pathology provider is Clinipath. Medicare card holders are generally bulk billed for pathology examinations of specimens. Non-Medicare card holders please see the Overseas or Non-Medicare section above.
Unfortunately if you are not covered by Medicare (the Australian health care funding scheme) there will be no Medicare rebate applied to the cost of your consultation or treatment. Full private fees apply.
We are unable to provide exact quotes for consultations or procedures due to the amount of varying Medicare item numbers involved.
As a guide:
Please allow at least $400 for consultation fees and associated minor procedures that can occur on the day (e.g. cryotherapy, biopsies).
Please allow at least $700 for a simple skin excision, to at least $1400 for a complex skin excision excision.
Independent pathology laboratories will also charge a fee for histopathological examination of the specimen at the laboratory. Please allow at least $400 for this service, which will be invoiced by the pathology service separately.
Occasionally, some skin specimens require extended testing with additional costs incurred as a result.
Tax invoices for our services can be provided to supply to you or your insurer. Please check directly with your insurer regarding their claims policies.